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12 Things To Consider When Going to a Card Show in 2023

A card collector's show, like The National Sports Collectors Convention, is an event where collectors and enthusiasts gather to buy, sell, and trade collectible cards. Here are some things to consider when attending a card collector's show.

1. Research the show: Before attending, research the show to find out what types of cards will be available and who the vendors are. This will help you determine what you want to buy or trade and give you a better understanding of what to expect.

2. Get to the show early: By getting to the show early, you can scope out the different dealers, do a quick walk through and target what dealers may have what you are looking for. As the day goes on, at the bigger shows, you could find yourself, 2-3 people deep from some tables.

3. Check out the dealers and vendors: Visit the dealers and check out their offerings. Some vendors specialize in only one particular sport or type of card/collectible, so look for vendors that interest you the most.

4. Bring cash: Card shows usually involve buying and selling, so it's a good idea to bring cash to make purchases. If you don't want to carry cash, many dealers these days use Paypal, Cash App, Zelle, or other electronic payment methods.

5. Ask questions: If you're not sure about a card's authenticity, rarity, or value, don't be afraid to ask the dealer for more details. They should be experts in the hobby and should be able provide you information on the card or collectible.

6. Don’t be afraid to walk away: If you don’t get the deal you want, or the dealer won’t agree to your price, feel free to walk away. There are plenty of other dealers there that may give you your price, so never settle for the first offer.

7. Trade with other collectors: Card collector exhibitions are a fantastic place to do card trading. Talk to other collectors and see if you can arrange a transaction that is advantageous to both of you.

8. Write down the names of the merchants you want to visit again and the cards you want to buy or trade in your notes. This will make it easier for you to maintain track of your transactions and make sure you don't miss out on anything.

9. Bring snacks: Lines can be long a food concession stands and can be often quite expensive. Bring some fruit, trail mix, or other snacks that will sustain you as you walk around.

10. Negotiate: Don't be afraid to ask for a better price. The best way to do this is to have the information necessary before you start bartering. Look up sold comps on ebay or, which makes it super easy to look at previous sold prices.

11. Electronics: It's a good idea to bring a portable battery and cell phone cable to charge your battery. You may burn down your cell phone at the show. Nothing is worse than having a dead cell phone and no place to charge it.

12. Above all, enjoy yourself! Card collectors are some of the friendliest groups to talk with and are always seeking out friends to share their collection with, their trade stories, and to show off their big hits! A card collector's event is a fantastic place to meet people who share your interests and grow your collection.

Attending a card collector's show can be an exciting and rewarding experience for collectors of all levels. Just be sure to do your research, bring cash or another form of payment, and have a good time.

And if you don’t find what you are looking for at the show, check out our online card shop for the latest cards and collectibles!